Do you love beer, but hate the way it makes your gut feel? We know it is especially sucky for anyone with Celiac disease. It is a heartbreaking moment when something you love doesn’t love you back, especially when you love to enojy a tasty cold beer after a long day. But then, enter the hero…
Salvation has arrived in the form of Clarity Ferm, a magical elixir that helps turn cloudy beers clear. A true beer miracle! But that’s not where the story ends – it turns out that Clarity Ferm had an unexpected side hustle: it could kick gluten out of beer. If you have given up on your beer-drinking days, we have the fix for you.

- Our beers are made with the usual gluten-packed grains.
- Every batch of Stay Chill Blonde Ale undergoes the gluten-reduction process using Clarity Ferm.
- The use of Clarity Ferm is undetectable in terms of taste.
- The FDA requires food labeled as “gluten-free” to contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten.
- We send batches to an independent lab before packaging and it is tested to contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten.
Now, you might wonder why we don’t slap a “Gluten-Free” label on our packaging. To be labeled as “gluten-free”, beer must be crafted entirely without gluten-containing ingredients like wheat or related grains. As a result, gluten-free beers incorporate alternative grains like sorghum, buckwheat, millet, and quinoa, that may impart some unusual flavors int the beer. Also, the U.S. Government prevents brewers from labeling anything “gluten-free” that are not made in this manner.* So, we properly use the term “gluten-reduced”.
*Legal jargon? Yep, it’s a thing. Legally, we can’t promise how this beer will interact with your digestive system as beer is not considered a medically-reviewed product. Everyone’s tummy is different, and navigating sensitivities can be tricky. But here’s the scoop: As of writing this, we’ve had zero complaints from our gluten-sensitive friends since Stay Chill Blonde Ale was introduced in 2022.
Enough with the fine print! Let’s get to the good stuff – the beer! We know you’re on the gluten-reduced lifeboat in a sea of beers you’d rather not test. But hey, it’d be a real downer if that lifeboat was stocked with lousy, uninspired beer. Check out Stay Chill Blonde Ale and let us know what your think.